June 12, 2022
City Wide Ward
City Wide Ward for Councilor – 6 Position Location where the Show is being Filmed – Petone Rugby Club  Date of the show – Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th September 2022 Times to arrive – Audience Members arrive by 630pm Broadcast Time – 7pm to 9pm Books your tickets here Submit your questions here – We will select […]

City Wide Ward for Councilor – 6 Position

Location where the Show is being Filmed – Petone Rugby Club 

Date of the show – Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th September 2022

Times to arrive – Audience Members arrive by 630pm

Broadcast Time – 7pm to 9pm

Books your tickets here

Submit your questions here – We will select the best questions for the show   

Candidates who are Standing

Standing here – Register your attendance here

Brady Dyer

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Monday
Website - https://brady.dyer.nz/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BradyHCC
Twitter - https://twitter.com/BR4DY
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/BR4DY/
Email - brady@dyer.nz

Josh Briggs

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Monday
Website - https://joshbriggs.co.nz/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/CrJoshBriggs
Twitter - https://twitter.com/JoshBriggsNZ
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/_josh_briggs/
Email -  josh@joshbriggs.co.nz

Karen Morgan

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Monday
Website - https://morgankaren4huttci.wixsite.com/website 
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Karen.Morgan.4.HCC 
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - morgan.karen.4.huttcity@gmail.com



Peter Fraser

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Monday 
Website - https://www.unitedhutt.co.nz/peter-fraser
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063699512392
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - pjfraser.nz@gmail.com





Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Monday 
Website - 
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ILikeMike2019
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - mike.fisher@outlook.co.nz




Rachel Leamy

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Monday 
Website - 
Facebook - 
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - rachel.leamy@xtra.co.nz




Kari Lloyd

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Monday 
Website - 
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/votekarilloyd4hcc
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - kari@sandflynz.com






Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Monday 
Website - 
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ChrisNortonHCC22
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - ChrisNortonHCC22@outlook.com





Prabha RAVI

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Monday 
Website - https://www.unitedhutt.co.nz/prabha-ravi
Facebook - 
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - prabharavi@gmail.com






Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Monday 
Website - https://www.unitedhutt.co.nz/rosanna-von-keisenberg
Facebook - 
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - vonrosanna18@gmail.com





Barbara HAY

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Monday 
Website - 
Facebook - 
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - oldgirljazz@gmail.com





Gabriel Tupou

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Tuesday
Website - https://www.gabrieltupou.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/tupoutalks
Twitter - 
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/gabrieltupou
Email - gabrieltupou@gmail.com





Mark Atkin

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Tuesday
Website - 
Facebook -  
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - valhalla@bemrose.co.nz




Simon Gibbs

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Tuesday
Website - 
Facebook - 
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - simon@eftposmart.co.nz





John Middleton

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Tuesday
Website - https://www.unitedhutt.co.nz/john-middleton
Facebook - 
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - simon@eftposmart.co.nz





Jodie Winterburn

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Tuesday
Website - https://www.unitedhutt.co.nz/jodie-winterburn
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jodie.schrader.1
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - jodiewinterburnjp@gmail.com





Simon Edwards

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Tuesday
Website - https://simonedwards.nz/page/2/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/simon.edwards.3386
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - simon.edwards@huttcity.govt.nz



Daniel Reurich

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Tuesday
Website - 
Facebook - 
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - daniel@reurich.kiwi.nz



Karen (Kaz) Yung

Confirmed attending It's in the Ballot in Person - Tuesday
Website - 
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KazForCommunity
Twitter - 
Instagram - 
Email - kaz.yung@gmail.com






Questions that are in the Shows Boxes

  1. Are you a current member of any political party and has your campaign received any support from a political party, including access to voter databases and volunteers?
  2. What are you going to do for Stokes Valley with all the new housing going in? eg water, sewage, roading, etc.
  3. What’s your vision for Wainuiomata for the next 3 years that you want the council to achieve?
  4. What will you do for people with invisible disabilities in the community to use playgrounds, use public spaces etc and feel part of Hutt City?
  5. Maori make up about 20% of the Lower Hutt population.
    • What are your views on creating Māori Wards and having fair representation for tangata whenua in Te Awa Kairangi?
  6. What are your priorities to work on for the next three years if you are elected?
  7. Why should I vote for you? (no political jargon please)
  8. The entry into Stokes Valley is no longer fit for purpose, given the increase in population and traffic into the valley. It is chronically bottlenecked, is vulnerable to flooding and accidents, and is indirect (so wastes petrol). 
    • What will you do to gain Stokes Valley a direct off/on access to the motorway?
  9. What will you do to deal with the latest bad result from the staff satisfaction survey at HCC?
  10. How do you think Kelson could become more resilient in terms of entry/exit with one road in and out onto a dangerous and busy section of the motorway, in terms of road safety and potentially slips like Stokes Valley has experienced recently, remembering also a very significant slip in our suburb not too far from the main road? 
    • Should this be prioritised over other intersections in the region where there are already other options for travel routes?
  11. Do you support more housing, and if so, how and where would you see this achieved?
  12. A councilor resigns 12 months before the next election. 
    • What would you propose for the vacancy?
  13. Did you attend the protest at Parliament in March and what are your thoughts on it now?
  14. Do you support the use of Masks, especially in doors as an important tool for keeping COVID at bay and others safe?
  15. What will you bring that is different from the current leadership?
  16. What are your thoughts on Hutt City shifting to voting using Single Transferable Vote instead of First Past Post?
  17. Should councils be forced to treat their potable water with fluoride?
  18. What are your thoughts on the public libraries in Hutt City, and do you have any plans around them?
  19. How do you propose to foster a more positive public impression of more active modes of transport such as cycling and walking?
  20. How will you personally role model reducing climate change? Such as cycling to work every day, or eating a plant based diet, etc?
  21. Would you bring in household food waste collection to stop this from going to landfill?
  22. We need land for housing. 
    • How will you support freeing up land in the right places (and without letting rich NIMBYs stop you)?
  23. What are you going to do to ensure young people’s voices are heard and actioned to keep our city vibrant and growing?
  24. Should councils be funding and organising community events?
  25. What are your plans for flood mitigation and resilience if you become elected, particularly in the Riverbank car park area?
  26. With the recent slips in Wainuiomata trapping people in the Suburb, how will you help Wainuiomata councillors to get a second alternative route to Wainuiomata and will you aim to have it in the Long Term Plan?
  27. What is your immediate actionable plan for upgrading decaying and failing infrastructure such as sewage, water, and stabilisation of hillsides for critical routes and suspending non critical projects?
  28. What’s your biggest priority for the next term, and how do you intend on delivering on that?

Hard Hitting Questions

  1. What is your position on the Three Waters Reform and why have you come to that position?
  2. What is your position on the $199 Million Cross Valley Link Project and would you be supporting or opposing it in the long term plan?
  3. Please state your top priority for every Hutt City Ward?

Highlight Videos from the Night

More to come

It’s in the Ballot

Bringing the show to the local town hall near you